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Many of the questions that Rotero is frequently asked, are answered below. Feel free to contact us if you have a question. 

  • General
    • As a consumer, can I buy from Rotero?

      No. Rotero is a trade supplier that mainly does business with machine manufacturers who have volume requirements. We do not supply individual items to consumers.

    • What is the delivery lead time, if a product is not in stock?

      If Rotero does not have a product in stock, we will order it for you from the manufacturer immediately on receipt of your written order. Because we source our products worldwide, the lead time can vary. As a guideline, assume a delivery lead time of about 4 to 6 weeks. We always state the expected delivery date on the order confirmation so you can take account of this in your planning. 

    • What are the typical applications for products from Rotero?

      The Rotero product range addresses machine manufacturers in several specific industrial sectors, the main  ones being food, agriculture and forestry, packaging machines and the medical sector. See also: applications

  • Technical
    • How does a stepper motor work?

      Stepper motors are mainly used in positioning applications. The angular displacement per step is determined by the motor winding geometry, and the controller determines the cumulative displacement and therefore the position by counting the steps. The frequency of the current applied to the motor windings determines the speed. The supplied current determines the torque of the stepper motor, but has no influence on speed and position.

    • What is the lifespan of the carbon brushes in a DC motor?

      The lifespan of carbon brushes depends on the construction of the commutator and the quality of the brushes. While “inexpensive” motors usually last no longer than 500 to 1,000 hours, the lifespan of higher quality (i.e. more expensive) DC motors lies between 2,000 and 5,000 hours. Pancake motors, in which the brushes have flat contact with the armature, have a lifespan of up to 15,000 hours. 

    • What type of motor do I need for very low motor speeds?

      At extremely low running speeds, practically every type of motor develops “irregular running” symptoms. Depending on the type of motor, and whether an encoder is used, the lower limit lies at about 50 to 200 rpm. The only type of motor that can be regulated from 0 rpm upwards is a stepper motor. Achieving this requires a good driver with microstepping mode, because the motor will otherwise vibrate excessively due to “aggressive” motor stepping.

  • Assortment
    • I cannot find the product I seek on your website. Can you still help me?

      You can always rely on us to assist you, even when you can’t immediately see the product you need within one of Rotero’s product groups. In order to keep our website easy to use, we have decided to list only the most commonly-ordered products within each of our product groups, but there we can also supply many more products that are not listed. Contact us with your requirement, and we will quickly let you know if the product you seek is available! 

    • Can the products on Rotero’s website be customized?

      Although the specifications of products on our website are suitable for most common requirements, they can generally be produced to order by the original manufacturer, so we can often arrange a special variant according to your needs. Contact us with your requirements, and we will quickly get back to you with the possibilities! 


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Rotero Belgium   Rotero Holland
Wayenborgstraat 10   Pompmolenlaan 21      
2800 Mechelen   3447 GK Woerden
Belgium    The Netherlands
T: +32 (0)15 451 840   T: +31 (0)348 495 150
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VAT: BE0433082828   VAT: NL008174210B01
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Rotero is part of Rotero Holding