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Miniature shotbolt smallest ever from Magnet Schultz

Mechanical interlocks are present in a wide range of applications, for example to ensure system readiness, prevent hazardous situations or restrict unauthorised access. Magnet Schultz, represented by Rotero, is a recognised leader in the field of precision electromagnetic solenoids, including shotbolts, which are used to mechanically lock or release moving parts. In response to the miniaturisation trend, Magnet Schultz has developed their smallest-ever electromagnetic shotbolt: the GHUZ007, which is scarcely larger than a hearing aid battery. 

Smaller and smaller

ShotboltMiniaturisation of machinery is increasing at a rapid pace, leading to new applications in robotics, battery-powered vehicles and drones, but also in everyday applications. For example, to prevent a movement from happening until certain safety conditions are met, or to prevent unauthorised access to an enclosure or compartment, such as a cash drawer. 

Only move when I say

The solution is often a shotbolt actuated by a control system that checks that the required conditions are met. Safety and access control applications typically also require that the default state of such a shotbolt is “locked”, so that if the energy supply should fail, the mechanism automatically seeks to return to the secure (locked) state, and it can only be unlocked when the power supply is enabled. With a shotbolt, that generally means with the bolt extended and engaged with a hole in the moving part. Unless the control system is satisfied, that shotbolt will hold position. This is the “pull” type of shotbolt: normally extended, retracted when energised. 

Tiny but tough

To meet these security and miniaturisation needs, Magnet Schultz has developed their tiniest electromagnetic shotbolt ever: a cylinder of just 20 mm long and 7 mm in diameter, with an M6 threaded nose for mounting on a frame or panel. The 2.5 mm diameter bolt can hold a lateral force of 15 N. When activated (12 VDC), the bolt retracts 1 mm into the body, thereby releasing the locked mechanism. A simple, elegant, and highly reliable solution for numerous lock/unlock applications, with a service life of up to 1 million cycles. 

Technical specifications

  • pull-type shotbolt (normally extended) with internal return spring
  • almost linear force-stroke curve
  • body dimensions L 20 x Æ 7 with M6 thread mounting
  • bolt stroke 1 mm
  • lateral force 15 N
  • nominal voltage 12 VDC 

More information

Would you like more information about these shotbots? Contact us directly using the contact form, or call: +31 (0)348 495 172 (NL) of +32 (0)15 451 840. We would be pleased to help you find the best solution!

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