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Stepper Motor from the Oriental Motor AZ series

AZ serie stappenmotorThe Oriental Motor AZ series has been expanded with a new stepper motor. Characteristic is the applied mechanical absolute encoder which requires no battery and yet is able to determine the absolute position extremely accurately and is also able to let the motor easily return to the original position (home). The stepper motor can be combined with two drivers that contribute to high reliability and an energy efficient operation.

Stepper motor sizes

The new stepping motor and αSTEP driver from Oriental Motor's AZ series is available in the standard model in sizes of 20, 28, 42, 60 and 85 square mm. In addition, it is available in combination with a gearbox, backlash-free harmonic gear and/or electromechanical brake in the 42, 60 and 90 mm models.

Newly developed ABZO sensor

ABZO Sensor - Rotero

A striking feature in this stepper motor is the patented ABZO sensor. This is a mechanical absolute encoder, which can detect the absolute position with extremely high accuracy and is able to bring the motor back to its start position (home position) quickly and easily. The absolute detection of the number of revolutions is possible – depending on the size – from +/- 450 to +/- 1800 rotations (so absolutely 900 to 3600 revolutions).

Since no batteries are required for the mechanical operation, this sensor contributes to lower maintenance requirements. Furthermore, it is an absolute encoder which does not require any external sensors. This leads to lower production costs, less cabling and also higher reliability (after all, what is not present cannot break). In addition, the absolute encoder prevents complicated and time-consuming ‘home’ procedures when the product has not been in use for a long time; for example, because of standstill, transport over long distances or as a result of a fault.


For optimum control of the stepping motor two drivers are available. The first version provides a pulse input, which can be connected to the standard PTO output of a PLC. The second version has an inbuilt controller and RS485 communication (Modbus RTU). The resolution of the motor runs to 0.036° per revolution (this corresponds to 10,000 steps per revolution). There also are drivers available on 230 V AC voltage, with which high speeds (up to 6000 rpm) are also feasible.

In the context of high reliability, the drivers combine the advantages of open and closed loop schemes. This results in a driver which, during normal operation of the motor, runs in open loop mode and synchronously with the pulse commands. In the case of a sudden overload it switches to closed loop mode, in which it performs a position correction. If the overload persists, it generates an alarm signal. Finally, it is not necessary to tune the drivers during a change of load as a result of adjustments to the belt or chain mechanism.

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